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samantha 12 PCPS TKGS 6C(: 1e8




width 180px



February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009


Designer: Helena
Image: Cyworld
Basecodes: Milkypoop
Cursors: Puremilky

Monday, August 31, 2009 5:15 PM

happy teachers's day!

ytd was so funnnn!
ACES day was totally sucky.
maybe because i was like laughing at her doing her ACES day.
and how z jumps.
stella and i were imitating it.

class parteh was like a failure.
we got the choir and they were like so funny.
not really,.
this charade was like uggh.
esp since we fucked up.
ms aliah's was the best.

performance was alright.
and esp weird when she sangg!

phototaking aft the thing.
met weirdo and crazy.
went to ask ms sia if we could not go for phototaking.
but too bad she said must go
so we waited.

tazi-ed back to PCPS with jia yi and jacinda.
jia yi got amused by that touch screen thingy in the taxi

i lub PCPS.
cos they have aircon hall and popular and a tv outside popular.
shall carry on later...

Saturday, August 29, 2009 5:05 AM

stupid jer.
she got headache
so she never come for band

Friday, August 28, 2009 5:45 AM

jer posted super UNGLAMMMM photos of me.
so i hate her once again.
and i'm going back with her on mon cos her school is nearby and her hse

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 2:35 AM

today is 6 ppls bday.
rachel wong,
rui xue,
some girl that yx knows,
and some amelia yam that weirdo knows.

today weirdo came earlyyy.
xin hui was there when i reached and she said crazy was coming.
weirdo came LONGGG time later ohkayy/
when weirdo finally came,
xh took her card and opened it,
JUST when yx came in.
camwhored awhile.
the recess-ed together./
drank HL again.
lunched at macs together again.
it was so hyper ok.
i miss my happy meal.
and pickles are disgusting!
so was the chili dispenser
it was so disgusting.
sang happy birthday in macs.
i think we embarassed ourselves.
NTUC later.
we grabbed a trolley.
thanks to my $1
it was SO embarresing.
esp when yx went i want this.
the xh goes prunes are good for you...
went to buy my pressie.
and me and xh went out leaving weirdo and crazy,
and they didn't realise.
took yx's presssies and she didn't realise until the traffic light.
i think.
persuaded weirdo to come take bus with me
i think weirdo is going to post the pics soon.

Monday, August 24, 2009 12:44 AM

and j and t,
and-just because you are below average doesn't mean that other ppl are abnormal,
and that you shouldn't be angry

12:42 AM

i hate jeraldine tan shu hui because she posted umglammmm pictures of me on FB

12:38 AM

According to http://www.friendshipstats.com I have 120 friends(from my fb), 0 less than average. 11% are male, 89% are female(im so sexist). 49 are single, 5 are dating or married(my mum,dad...). If I contracted a deadly variant of flu, I would likely infect 9 people, 1 of whom would die. When I share something on Facebook, it is typically viewed by 15 people. If I died today, an estimated 360 people would try to attend my funeral. Based on my Facebook profile, I have a 89% probability of getting married. I am likely to earn US$1.8 million and have 2.1 children(10% of a sperm!) over my lifetime. Calculate your own stats at http://www.friendshipstats.com.

Friday, August 21, 2009 5:50 AM

lunched with crazy and weirdo.
can't find the card reader so no photos
band tmr till 4.
the next week too.
no tuition for 2 weeks.
unless i leave earlier

5:41 AM

i don't see a prob in us changing class/
but apparently some ppl have a grudge against us.
so we can't help it but scold them when they scold us too right?
you know that i hate ppl who vandalise tables,
take off the covers of the fans
throw our books and bags,
and thanks to celine and stella,
those fxxxers would have thrown my clarinet on the floor.
kei kiu's viloin got thrown.
and the class was a mess.
and we swept the floor before we switched class.
they crumpled the crappy poster.
its crappy but at least some ppl(who treat us ice cream!(:)BOTHER to do it,right???and nurul spent some time sticking the paper to the vanguard
we rolled up their vanguard sheets even though there was nothing on it.
you know what?
i think that the ones that ought to be going for the workshop is them.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 12:40 AM

America's Most Trusted Moms Like You Choose Samantha.

http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi" method="get">Enter a word for your own slogan:

Generated by the http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan">Advertising Slogan Generator. Get more moms like you choose samantha slogans.

12:40 AM

America's Most Trusted Moms Like You Choose Samantha.

http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan.cgi" method="get">Enter a word for your own slogan:

Generated by the http://thesurrealist.co.uk/slogan">Advertising Slogan Generator. Get more moms like you choose samantha slogans.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 5:09 PM

listening to alone.
that lame bleah opening,.

2:43 AM

i gave up on lj.
i butt is still pain from landing on the floor too hard after incline pull-up
mackkies with celine and mijin.
i lovee my hello kitty toy,
and then we played the embarresment game.
whoever embarrased themself once gets negative one point.
mijin said that she had good table manners.
in the end,
i got -6(its was for saying i cried during ET and an idiot 'smurked at me'according to mijin. and plucking out a pickle for my cheeseburger!)
mijin got -16
celine got -25
i think.
it was so lame.
celine went to find oil blotters.
she didn't want the za one
but ended up buying the za one.

Monday, August 17, 2009 2:13 AM

its VERY irritating
and out-of-tune

1:56 AM

my dear neighbour singing nobody.

its real soft so turn up the volume.

and she is singing inside the hse.

so i took the window.


Saturday, August 15, 2009 7:17 PM

we are pleased to inform that we will be organising 2 workshops for
selected classed to develop appropriate attitudes and coping/management skills
that will assist them in their journey in TKGS.
we are engaging professionals to condust these workshops. the objectives of
these workshopes are for your child to:
1.understand the importance of life skills for her personal and social
developement, specifically learning mental tools to manage herself,her
emotions,thinking processes and motivation and;
2.develop the reseilience necessary to bounce back from the setbacks she
has experiences in life thus far to better her academic performance and primary

thx ALOT mrs t.
for looking down on us.
and arranging it to be on a friday.
at least theres 2 and a half more hours.
for making us pay $16
i hate you

Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:43 AM

kei kiu loves me because i helped her sign in
*boasts a little*

1:57 AM

florence lian is so fat.

hang on,i'm bueno-ing!

1:36 AM

up-ed yesterday!
i <3 russell.
he's so cute.
the features so smalllll
and the face so ginormic(:
sex and the city is niceee too

12:48 AM

mep on thurs!

Friday, August 7, 2009 3:09 AM

today was FUN(:
although i was a little hyper in a public place.
met them at school.
at like macaroni and mushroom soup, 50 cents chicken, and a milo.
saw ms sal.
she looked like so suprised cos i was so hyper
then go school popular(:
its so nice.
bought the post it for nurul and one more for whoever cos got a free one(:
im so cheapo.
went to AMK hub):
i dun like it there.
sabrina and shannen stole my stickers on the way.
the cheap cheap one.
went to arcade.
except that meiling and i were wearing school uniformD:
so we go minitoons(:
then go and book tix.
but realised that there were no slots,
we went ALL THE WAY to j8.
there the queue for movies were like long...
so we gave up on up):
went into minitoons,action city,more than words, comic connection and precious thots like millions of times.
looking fo lixian's pressie.
and then they went to the arcade again.
bought a wand at comic connection.
its for king midas(:
its a real cheapo wand.
but its nice.
fell in loveeee with this landyard
its a piano!
but already got 1.
see yuan gave sherlyn a 6.90 stitch and a 3.50 mushroom.\
then it was like waaa.
then we started chasing him to tell him tat sherlyn got the message(:

Thursday, August 6, 2009 3:10 AM

i didnt fuck up oral
you should be happy for me ohkayy(:
i got 33(:

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 6:37 AM

SAGITTARIUS - The Promiscuous One

Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever. Loves deeply but at times will not show it feels it is a sign of weakness. Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones will all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with- you might end up crying. 4 years of bad luck if you do not forward.

what the hell is promiscuous?
the bad mood one is TOTALLY true(:
so is the childish one(:
amazing in bed?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009 3:00 AM

some people are just out to make people's lives miserable.
and make them feel demoralised.
crazy owes me 10 bucks(:

Monday, August 3, 2009 3:20 AM

wanted to pon art one ohkayy,
btw art is so unimportant.
(following in 大姐's footsteps.weirdo must be so pround of me)
no one wanted to,
and she was like nobody can go toilet.
you cannot then do it on the floor.
or smt like that.

2:07 AM


Sunday, August 2, 2009 4:59 AM

stupid weirdo.
never come for band
i was like cannot play c.
until i realised that the reed is not properly putted,
im so dumb.
and i left my phone in the car and the car is not at home!
i luv ponyo,
kei kiu(in a straight way!)(can i delete it noww?)
and crazy and weirdo